Amid the 21-day nationwide lockdown, the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) is calling on the Reserve Force to help fight the battle against coronavirus.

Earlier this week, President Cyril Ramaphosa deployed the SANDF to assist the country in fighting the spread of COVID-19. This move aligns with the National Disaster Management Act of 2002 section 27, sub-section 2, which provides that the SANDF must release its personnel to a national Organ of State for rendering of emergency services.

“The South African Military Health Service has called up Reserve Force doctors, nurses, operational emergency care practitioners, together with teams to work with other health practitioners in various fields,” said the department of Defence and Military Veterans.

“The SANDF is grateful to the Reserve Force members for their willingness to serve, and appeals to civilian employers to release their staff members called up for Reserve Force service.”

Together with the SANDF and SAPS, they will play an important part in supporting and enforcing the nation’s compliance with the restriction of movement of people under the National State of Disaster and lockdown.

Picture: Twitter / Presidency ZA
