New perspex screens are being rolled out at Pick n Pay till points across the country to ensure customer comfort and safety during lockdown.

The transparent screens will be mounted between the cashiers and the customers as an additional safety measure amid coronavirus concerns.

Cashiers often have to be much closer to customers than is ideal when in a pandemic and the local grocery store is going the extra mile to improve the safety of staff and customers by installing these dividers.

A customer paying for her groceries from the other side of a new screen.

These new safety measures have already been installed in 300 stores and will soon feature in all stores nationwide.

Other measures already in place are social distancing floor markers in aisles, service areas and queues, and there are clear signs throughout stores as reminders. Customers are being asked to queue and shop with a trolley in order to ensure social distancing at all times. 

While South Africans still have a number of days to go before the end of lockdown, new measures like these are making our lives easier, day by day.

Pictures: Supplied
