During a briefing last night, April 2, Minister of Police Bheki Cele said in no uncertain terms that the sale of cigarettes was completely banned during lockdown. This, after Western Cape Premier Alan Winde announced that the province would allow cigarette sales in conjunction with other items.

“These regulations, as they are signed by minister Dlamini-Zuma, are national regulations. There are no provincial regulations. There are no municipal regulations. So, what is done in Limpopo is expected to be done in Western Cape,” Said Cele.

This has led to significant confusion for those in the Western Cape, with citizens reporting that some stores adhering to national policy while others to the most recent provincial messaging.

According to EWN, The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs said that it would speak to the Western Cape government about its decision to allow the sale of cigarettes.

According to Cogta’s Lungi Mtshali, the Western Cape provincial government had not consulted the necessary channels before making the announcement.

Winde however, said that while the alcohol ban was clear, other products were not quite as explicit.

The country’s confusion was also expressed on social media:

Confusion regarding certain regulations has been rife during the first week of lockdown. From changes to transport allowances for taxis to funeral arrangements, the national government have at times struggled to keep the exact requirements straight.

Picture: polity.org
