Cape Town is enjoying a new addition to its thriving art scene in the form of contemporary fine arts gallery SMITH, co-founded by Candace Marshall-Smith and recognised curator Amy Ellenbogen.

Rather than simply being eponymous of the owner, the gallery’s unassuming name has two functions: to signal the gallery as an impartial space that allows the content of exhibited art to speak for itself, and as a reference to the artist as a craftsman, a maker of things.

The gallery is located in Church Street in a restored heritage building, lending an air of history and authenticity to the contemporary space while paying homage to a site rich in culture and history.

SMITH’S manifesto is also twofold: to simplify the complex art world for artists and prospective buyers, and to cultivate African art on an international level. Exhibitions are diverse in scope, showcasing a range of work by established and emerging artists.

SMITH will also form part of First Thursdays, so be sure to pop in in June, if not before.

Where Smith Art Gallery, 56 Church Street, CBD
When Tuesday to Friday  9 am – 5 pm, Saturday 10 am – 3 pm
Cost TBC 
Contact, [email protected]  or join the Smith Studio Facebook page




Photography Courtesy


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