Six staff members and students at the University of Cape Town (UCT) tested positive for COVID-19, and the first student to be positively diagnosed has now made a full recovery.

According to UCT spokesperson Elijah Moholola, the student had officially left self-isolation sometime last week. During this time, another staff member was confirmed to have the virus. The staff member is currently receiving medical treatment.

“The process of contact tracing got underway immediately and all persons identified will remain in quarantine for 14 days,” Moholola said in a statement.

Currently, the university has had seven total cases, including four staff members and three students. Its Properties and Services Department is disinfecting all the facilities that have been used by anyone on campus who was diagnosed with the coronavirus, and this is continuing on an ongoing basis.

“Contact tracing began immediately to identify people with whom they were in close contact. Members of the university community who have been in close contact with these staff members or students have been instructed to remain in quarantine for 14 days while being monitored for symptoms,” Moholola added. “Any case where a person is symptomatic will be dealt with via the provincial and national guidelines and protocols. All buildings frequented by UCT students and staff that have tested positive for Covid-19 have been identified, closed immediately and disinfected.”

Picture: Pixabay
