Three more Western Cape police stations have been temporarily closed as employees have tested positive for COVID-19. The standard procedure is for a police station to be closed for a 48-hour period while it is being decontaminated and disinfected.

Lawndale Police Station in Strand reported a positive case on Saturday, May 2, while the Somerset West and Langa police stations also reported positive cases.

Earlier last week, operations at the Lentegeur, Cape Town Central and Philippi East stations were also temporarily suspended as employees there tested positive.

According to South African Police Service (SAPS) spokesperson Novela Potelwa, the operations of these stations have been relocated to alternative buildings.

“Operations have been moved to separate buildings in the same premises and decontamination has started. The relocations are also to ensure service delivery continues,” she said. “Members who have been in contact with the infected cases are undergoing screening testing and some have been quarantined.”

A total of approximately 58 Western Cape police officers have been affected by the coronavirus, while 103 officers tested positive across the country.

One KwaZulu-Natal police officer has died as a result of the virus, and 89 officers have been in isolation. A total of three officers have been hospitalised, while 10 have recovered.

