South Africa is known for its unbeatable sense of humour. Some locals may express frustration at how the country makes light of very dark situations, but sometimes having a laugh about a serious matter goes a long way in keeping things positive.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic reached South Africa and we have been placed on a national lockdown, our various Ministers have hosted a myriad of briefings to keep residents abreast of the latest developments and plans to beat the virus. Some of these measures include the ban on the sale of tobacco and alcohol in the country, as well as the deployment of field workers to test various communities for new cases.

These briefings have provided local jokesters with more than enough material to create a number of coronavirus-related memes and remixes.

This is a selection of our very favourites. We hope you can laugh along with us, and find the humour in an otherwise dark period for our nation:







Picture: Twitter
