As the coronavirus pandemic continues to change the way we live and behave, many people around the world are finding creative and innovative ways of not letting the virus separate them from their loved ones.

One mom from Illinois invented a unique contraption that allows her kids to be able to safely hug their grandmother. According to mom Carly Marinaro, the children’s grandmother had been longing to hug them but has been unable to due to fears of spreading the virus.

Marinaro created a one-of-a-kind “hugging station” made from PVC pipe, window insulator for a sliding glass door, duct tape and livestock disposable gloves to allow the family to embrace one another.

“A must watch for a little joy. Nana has been longing to hug her babies!
This makes my heart so happy.” – Carly Marinaro

Watch the video of the grandchildren and grandmother embracing for the first time in weeks below:

In a similar attempt at holding a loved one, a 29-year-old man from Stratford-upon-Avon in England created a “cuddle curtain” so he could hold his grandmother again.

Made from a see-through shower curtain and two sets of lengthy safety gloves, this simple but effective device allows two people to hug each other from either side of the curtain.

This way, both parties are kept safe and minimise the chances of the virus spreading as they hug.

In a touching video, Antony Cauvin (the inventor) is able to hug his dear grandmother again, bringing smiles to both of their faces as they are able to embrace each other after such a long time.

Since they were posted both of these video have gone viral, inspiring people all over the world.

With much still uncertain as the pandemic continues to change our way of life as we know it, one thing is for sure: people around the world will continue loving and hugging each other, even if it requires a little more innovation than usual.

Picture: Facebook
