Gordon’s Bay residents have been left pleasantly mystified at the appearance of dozens of knitted plush toys dangling from trees in the area.

Toys in the shape of colourful owls, cherries, hearts and birds decorate Gordon’s Bay trees. They have quickly become a welcoming sight for the many residents who walk past them while enjoying their daily exercise.

Many have taken to social media to find out where these adorable toys come from, and who is behind this sweet surprise.


The creator of the toys, who prefers to remain anonymous, tells Cape Town ETC that she hangs the toys to bring happiness and a bit of magic to those who see it.

“It’s exciting to find things in places you don’t expect them to be. It adds a bit of magic to the day. If people know who I am, that takes away from the experience.”

She hangs the toys in Gordons Bay only. The creator says that the items are not for sale, but are free to be taken. All you need to do is find it.

“People can take them home if they like them or leave them where they are. The choice is theirs. If somebody wants one, they will need to find one hanging on a tree somewhere unexpected.”

Picture/s: Chantellé Venter
