The Western Cape has 13 166 active cases of COVID-19 as of today [June 15] with a total of 42 892 confirmed cases and 28 615 recoveries.

The total numbers are as follows:

Unallocated: 4538 (1891 recovered). More data is available here.

The Western Cape has recorded an additional 63 deaths, bringing the total number of COVID-19 related deaths in the province to 1111. “We send our condolences to the families and loved ones of the deceased at this time,” Premier Alan Winde said in a statement.

US Consul General donates 20 ventilators:

“Today, I received a donation of ventilators from the Consul General of the United States, Virginia Blaser. These 20 form part of a donation of 50 ventilators which the United States has made to South Africa,” Winde said. “These ventilators were accepted by doctors from the Tygerberg and to Groote Schuur hospitals, where they will be used to treat seriously ill, and ICU patients.

The ventilators are smaller and more portable than many of the ventilators that we currently have in our healthcare system, allow for incubation and non-invasive ventilation and therefore will give doctors treating patients a greater degree of flexibility when moving patients and determining the best treatment options. The Western Cape has been working hard to prepare our healthcare systems, and
these new ventilators will allow us to deliver potentially life-saving treatment to many more people. We thank the United States consulate in South Africa for their assistance during this pandemic, and for their partnership which stretches back
many years,” Winde added.

“While today we mark the donation of 20 ventilators, we are really marking 20 years of life saving partnership between the United States and the Western Cape. Through PEPFAR, we are supporting over 4.7 million people living with HIV in South Africa. It is my hope that these ventilators will also offer life-saving support in the battle against COVID-19”, Consul General Virginia Blaser said.

Chrysalis graduates deployed to Khayelitsha:

Today, Minister of Community Safety Albert Fritz announced that 60 Chrysalis graduates have been deployed to various shopping centres and community health facilities in Khayelitsha as part of our hotspot strategy. These graduates have undergone training and will help to build awareness of COVID-19 and encouraging people to adhere to social distancing protocols. On the eve of Youth Day, it is so encouraging to see young people playing their part in communities to slow the spread of the virus and ultimately, save lives.

“The hotspot strategy is all about using partnerships and encouraging a whole of society approach. The Department of Community Safety has worked closely with the Department of Health, the Khayelitsha Development Forum, Medicins Sans Frontiers, and of course, the Chrysalis Academy, to bring this deployment about. We wish these young people well and thank them for helping to protect communities in the Western Cape,” Fritz said.

The Western Cape Government is rolling out a number of interventions in the province’s hotspots which are aimed at encouraging behavioural change to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

“We have already introduced the Red Dot taxi service to transport heatlhcare workers, and a major communications campaign which will include nearly 10 000 street pole posters in hotspot communities and new radio advertisements using healthcare workers. By staying safe, we will be able to protect our high risk loved ones and save lives,” Winde said.

Picture: Unsplash
