Seems like it’s not only humans feeling the effects of lockdown restrictions. A restaurant in Table View had a very unexpected visitor show up when a seal began banging on its doors hoping to get in for a late-night snack.

The seal popped up at Pakalolo in Table View on Tuesday night [June 30].

“The seal must have been washed along from Hout Bay during the stormy weather according to the rescue team. The seal made it way across the double lane and up an embankment. It banged on the doors with its flippers as if it knew that we had food in there,” Pakalolo’s owner Michael explains.

“We can only feel sorry that even the seals are feeling the crunch of lockdown. It was most definitely starving.”

Patrons and restaurant workers came together to keep the seal safe until a rescue team could help him. The rescue was done by Hout Bay Seal Rescue and SPCA Wildlife Unity from Grassy Park.

“The response from the patrons was amazing. Its like they knew not to come too close as it stresses the animal. One lady had a bucket with water and threw it periodically on the seal. The rescue operation was swift and very professional.”

The seal is currently being treated with sardines and some medication. He will be released back to the Hout Bay harbour later this week.

Pictures and videos from Pakalolo Table View.
Check them out on Facebook and Instagram.
