The Cape of Goodhope SPCA responded to a call that broke their hearts recently. A little dog named Mia was discovered, malnourished and listless, and her small frame was too big to fit into the makeshift kennel that had been made for her.

“Mia doesn’t feel like someone, she feels like something – because that’s how she was regarded before we found her. There was no value attached to her little life, she was simply there, like the rest of the goods in the yard,” the SPCA said in a statement. “The only difference she could see was that she was chained to the spot. She also had a kennel to call her own but she couldn’t fit into it properly, so she spent her days sitting outside it.”

She was covered in flies but she didn’t bother to snap at them – she had done this so many times before – but they just kept coming back. It wasn’t worth the effort and she didn’t have the energy anyway.

Mia was found covered in flies and too big for her kennel, even while malnourished (Source: SPCA)

“She was extremely malnourished and she must’ve been so miserable but we’re sure she still greeted whoever gave her the bowl of yellow rice we found next to her, with all the love she had to give. Because that’s how she greeted Cadet Inspector Mark Syce when she saw him,” the SPCA continued.

“She must’ve been a little confused by the compassionate hand stroking her head and the gentle tone with which she was being addressed. She must’ve been a little scared when he bent down to remove the chain around her neck and carry her away from the only place she knew – but she went with him anyway. She must’ve also been a little overwhelmed by the world outside – there was so much she hadn’t seen or experienced before. But she was in strong, kind arms and somehow she knew she was safe.”

(Source: SPCA)

“She is no longer something. She is now someone. Her name is Mia.”

Mia has a long road to recovery ahead of her, this special girl has been through so much and she needs your help. Please will you show her some love with your gift made here

Picture: SPCA/Supplied
