South African music legend Judith Sephuma released her new album, One Word, in March this year. The songstress who reminded us that life is good with ‘a smile, a cry and a dance’ will be inspiring Capetonians once more as she kicks off her album tour at the Artscape tomorrow evening.

We caught up with Judith Sephuma so we could learn more about this exciting new chapter in her life.

Many are calling One Word an album of progress as you move into a more experimental phase. How would you describe it?
I think it’s one of my best works ever – different sounds put together without losing the Judith Sephuma sound. I believe I have recorded what I love. I am so excited about this album, like it’s my debut album.

You’ve said that this is a celebratory album. What would you say should be celebrated most in life?
I am celebrating music, life, Africa. I’ve always wanted to record funky jazz, rock, Afro. I believe life itself should be celebrated. Any achievements, however small one thinks they are. That small achievement is huge because maybe someone else is only dreaming of it. So we should celebrate life.

You’ve travelled and performed all over the world. What has been the biggest thing you’ve taken from these experiences musically?
Hard work, more than anything, and doing things that are not ordinary; always working smart to remain relevant and current. Music is beautiful, one has to always be in the right mind to keep creating.

You began your UCT music school journey in 1994. Besides being a place of education for you, what else does Cape Town mean to you?
Cape Town is my home, it will always be my home. It’s a place where it all began for me. A place where I am always welcome. It’s my hideaway.

What are you looking forward to the most as you start the One Word tour this Saturday at the Artscape?
I am looking forward to seeing everyone who will be there, old friends and new, as I take them down memory lane and introduce One Word to them. Beautiful memory lane.

Why the title One Word? Judith gives the answer on Heart’s breakfast show:

Photography Courtesy


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