As of July 10, the Western Cape has 16 302 active cases of COVID-19, with a total of 75 718 confirmed cases and 57 134 recoveries.

The province also recorded an additional 58 deaths, bringing the total number of COVID-19 related deaths in the province to 2282.

The breakdown is as follows:

Unallocated: 7099 (3780 recovered)

Data note:

As the province moves closer to the peak and the Department of Health is recording over 1000 new cases daily, it is not possible to check and verify that the address data supplied for each new case is correct, within the time frames required to provide regular and timely updates. This means that in some instances, cases could be
allocated to the wrong sub-districts. Government is working with the sub-districts to clean and verify the data and where errors are picked up locally, cases will be re-allocated to the correct areas.

More data is available here:

Premier Winde health update:

Premier Winde has expressed his sincere appreciation for all the well wishes he has received – he is grateful for every single message. Having had a good rest yesterday, his doctor is pleased with his progress in fighting the virus. His temperature is lower, and although his blood glucose levels remain elevated, they have subsided somewhat. Premier Winde has been advised to continue to rest for the duration of the weekend, noting that due to having diabetes, he is in a high risk category.

He has urged residents to please follow the five golden hygiene rules to stay healthy. He wishes all residents good health, and speedy recoveries for those who are ill. Premier Winde also sends his well-wishes to North West Premier Job Mokgoro and Gauteng Premier David Makhura who have both tested positive for COVID-19 over the past few days, and hopes that they are safe and well during this time.

Health systems update:

The Western Cape Government continues to work to ensure that health systems are functioning ahead of the infection peak. Hospitalisation numbers have remained stable in the 1700 to 1800 range for several weeks and the province currently has 1680 people in hospital, with 322 of these in ICU or high care.

The intermediate field hospitals have to date played a very important role in ensuring that we are able to provide the appropriate level of care to those who need it. In its first month of operations, the Cape Town Hospital of Hope had admitted a total of 847 patients, with 544 already discharged home and 40 deaths recorded.

The 60 bed MSF Thusong facility in Khayelitsha has admitted 171 patients since opening and discharged 112, with 24 deaths recorded. The Brackengate facility, which was due to take in its first patient today has been slightly delayed by delays in service contracts.

“We are working to resolve these issues and expect the facility to receive its first patients before the end of the month. A total of 3589 healthcare workers have been infected in the public sector in the province. We are very pleased that over 78% of these have recovered, with only 746 active cases. We have however unfortunately recorded 28 healthcare worker deaths,” government said in a statement.

“We send our deepest condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of these 28 and we honour them for their hard work, and for the love and care they shared with patients across their many years in service of the people of this province,” the statement continued.

A total of almost 4000 people have been admitted to quarantine and isolation facilities in the province since the start of the pandemic. There are currently 615 people in isolation and 231 in quarantine in facilities in both the rural and metro regions of the province. These facilities provide a comfortable and safe space for residents to quarantine or isolate, allowing them to protect their loved ones at home. Anyone seeking to make use of the facilities or looking for more information can call the Western Cape COVID-19 hotline on 021 928 4102.

Picture: Pixabay
