Much to the disappointment of Capetonian theatre fans, The Fugard Theatre has announced its doors will remain closed until 2021.

According to an announcement by the theatre and bioscope establishment, their services will remain unavailable to the public until such a time that they can ensure staff, performers and audiences will not be at risk.

Until effective treatment or a vaccine is available the Fugard will remain closed, which means it could open in mid or late 2021 at the earliest.

“Regrettably the majority of our staff have had to be retrenched and a small care-taking team will remain in place to ensure that The Fugard is well maintained and in a state of readiness for the day when it is safe and financially viable to re-open. I would like to thank all staff for their extraordinary achievement over the last decade in making The Fugard one of Africa’s foremost theatres. I would like to thank patrons for coming and supporting The Fugard. Keep well all,” said The Fugard Theatre & Bioscope founder and benefactor Eric Abraham.

Loyal patrons shared their sadness at the news on The Fugard’s Facebook page:

So sad, my heart goes out to all who have lost their jobs and to the theatrical community in general, it’s been a hard knock. I trust the Fugard will, like the proverbial phoenix, rise from the ashes in 2021 and we will soon be streaming through its doors. Thank you for the high-calibre of productions I’ve had the pleasure of seeing over the years,” said one fan.

“This is sad news indeed. But a wise decision nonetheless. Oh, how the arts have suffered. Wishing you well and looking forward to us all bouncing back in 2021,” shared another.

My heart breaks for you all. Strength and courage for the hard months ahead,” wrote another fan.

As 2020 continues, locals will need to turn to another source of entertainment and scratch attending one of The Fugard’s many fabulous shows off of their to-do list.

Picture: Facebook
