Many South Africans have returned to work in public spaces. Minister of Labour and Employment Thulas Nxesi has released the latest regulations concerning employees who contract COVID-19 at their place of work.

The regulations have been gazetted and states that the confirmation of contraction of the virus at a workplace relies on the following:

  • Assessment of the inherent risk posed by various categories of work;
  • Exposure to a known source of COVID-19;
  • An approved official trip and travel history to countries and/or areas of high risk for COVID-19 on work assignment;
  • A reliable diagnosis of COVID-19 as per the WHO guidelines;
  • A chronological sequence between exposure at the workplace and the development of symptoms.

This relates to COVID-19 disability and death claims from the Compensation Fund under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (Coida).

The degree of impairment will be evaluated based on the medical complications of the virus from the affected body systems, the Gazette states.

Occupations have been divided into categories, according to risk levels. These include “Very high exposure” for healthcare workers, “High risk exposure” for medical transport workers, “Medium risk exposure” and “Low risk exposure.”

An assessment of permanent impairment shall be determined within three months after diagnosis and when “maximum medical improvement”  has been reached.

Benefits will then be paid out based on the level of disability as well as death.

Read the full Government Gazette here

Picture: Unsplash
