The Western Cape has 11 876 active cases of COVID-19, with a total of 91 659 confirmed cases and 76 835 recoveries.

The province has recorded an additional 51 deaths, bringing the total number of COVID-19 related deaths in the Western Cape to 2948. 

To date, 404 635 tests have been conducted and 1 454 people have been admitted to hospital of which 272 are in ICU or high care

The breakdown is as follows:
Western Cape has 11 876 active cases of COVID-19 Western Cape has 11 876 active cases of COVID-19 Western Cape has 11 876 active cases of COVID-19 Western Cape has 11 876 active cases of COVID-19 Western Cape has 11 876 active cases of COVID-19

The Western Cape Government’s ‘One Home, One Garden’ Campaign

Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, Dr Ivan Meyer, announced on July 28 that the province had a total of 1371 food gardens, established over the past two months as part of the ‘One Home, One Garden’ Campaign.

Last week alone, 433 gardens were established in the Cape Metro, with 123 of these gardens in Gugulethu. Other areas include: Riversdale, Groot Brak, Thembalethu, Nduli, Bella Vista and DuNoon, amongst others.

The Hard Lockdown and other restrictions have caused a second unemployment pandemic, and a severe humanitarian crisis. Many residents are battling to put food on the table and support their families. Initiatives such as this, which form part of the province’s COVID-19 response, are key interventions that will help make a difference in the most vulnerable communities.

Minister Meyer said: “Through our food security and humanitarian response, the Western Cape Department of Agriculture supports access to affordable and diverse food. By encouraging communities and households to establish food gardens, we are shifting the focus from food relief to food security.”

Picture: Pixabay
