The Western Cape has a total of 10 955 active cases of coronavirus as of  August 3, with a total of 95 407 confirmed cases and 81 309 recoveries.

An additional 38 deaths have been recorded since the last report period, bringing the province’s total to 3105.

See a breakdown of cases below:

While updating the public on the COVID-19 cases, Premier Alan Winde noted that it has been almost five months since the first case was detected in the Western Cape. He expressed great appreciation from the province’s healthcare workers and the sacrifices they have made to help those in need.

“I would like to convey a special thank you to the doctors, nurses, porters, cleaners, technicians, administrative staff and all of those people who work in our healthcare system. For many patients, contracting COVID-19 is scary, and having the expertise, support and guidance of this province’s healthcare workers, has helped thousands of people recover. Whether it’s the people doing the testing in our testing and triage centres, or the ICU nurses who see to the most vulnerable, we thank you for the hard work, the long hours, and the courage and commitment you have shown during this time,” said Winde.

Winde further noted that the hard work of healthcare professionals had helped the province reach a plateau in new infections, with a decline in cases in some areas.

“We owe a debt of gratitude to the healthcare workers who have helped us reach this point. We all need to take personal responsibility now to ensure that we are able to maintain this, to reduce the number of new infections and ensure that we can continue to save lives and to protect our frontline workers,” he added.

Winde also touched on the PPE procurement disclosure report, released by the Western Cape Government last week. The ultimate goal of releasing these details was to ensure full transparency and accountability in procurement processes.

“We also note the call by national Finance Minister Tito Mboweni for provinces to make this information available following the publication of this report. This report is not a once-off, and we have committed to regularly publishing these details,” said Winde.

Anyone seeking to study the report can do so here:

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Picture: Pexels
