Patrons at Botanicum Café & Grill were stunned during their lunch when a vehicle revved its engine outside and rammed into the restaurant.

The vehicle crashed into the steel beam that holds up the roof of the outside seating around the restaurant as well as a green parking pole just outside of the cafe.

Footage from a nearby surveillance camera shows the driver seemingly losing control of the vehicle while turning in the parking lot, accelerate and ram into the restaurant.

Following the incident, no injuries were reported and people who were sitting at the restaurant rushed to where the crash took place to see if everyone was alright. One patron managed to pull his bicycle from the area.

“Just before 11am the car was pulling in to park in front of our restaurant, when it seemingly overshot the space. We are just so thankful that none of our guests or staff were injured,” Marc Botes the owner of the restaurant told Cape Town Etc.

Since the incident occurred, Capetonians have found the humour in the driver’s license plate that reads, “2FAST4U”. Some asked if the driver was Vin Diesel on the cafe’s Facebook page and others commented, “The Fast & now The Furious” and “Gone. In 60 seconds“.

The establishment saw the humour in the accident themselves, sharing a picture of the incident with the caption: “Steve our delivery guy has some explaining to do”.

Picture: Botanicum Café & Grill
