Cape Town has joined the cause to highlight (in red) the struggle the events industry is facing to survive the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown regulations.

On the evening of August 5, buildings across the Mother City lit up in bright red, with Table Mountain donning the dramatic shade as well.

According to the #LightSARed website, 505 building across the country light up in red in protest with a large number of private homes and establishments joining in too.

The #LightSAred campaign draws attention to the escalating situation by calling on residents to simultaneously light buildings and structures across the nation in red.

As South Africa’s stringent regulations continue, the future of the events and entertainment industry is becoming more and more uncertain, and the those who work in the industry are unable to provide for themselves or their families.

As part of their movement, they are calling on the government to extend financial relief to those who earn a living in the technical production and live events industry until they are permitted to resume work.

From Table Mountain to the Castle of Good Hope, see the Mother City glow bright red below:


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Let’s light the whole of S.A. RED‼ #lightSAred #endthisinjustice #stopthislockdown #savesouthafrica #jobssavelives

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Wow!!! So bly ek kon die sien!!! Die “event-industry” is besig om dood te gaan!!!!! Help ons #lightSAred #kaapstad

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Also read:

Campaign plans to #LightSARed for events industry

Picture: LightSARed
