A movement headed by the same man that started South Africa’s #ImStaying group, Jarette Petzer, is calling for locals everywhere to join in on a peaceful protest this September.

The group ‘Move ONE Million‘ was recently created on Facebook to encourage locals to speak out against South Africa’s “corrupt system”.

“The time is now for us to unite from all corners of the globe and show solidarity against a bent and corrupt system that can no longer be allowed to have its way with the future of our people and the future leaders that follow. We are now left with only two options – Either we run and cower, or make a stand, together, as sons and daughters of South Africa,” reads the Facebook group.

Similar to the #ImStaying movement, the group encourages uniting across all religions, genders and races to rise against a common evil.

“Either we stand together united as one, or we fall divided as individuals. The time for sitting on the fence is over. Our country needs us, and only the people can set us free! Our aim is to get ONE MILLION people to take hands in peaceful protest across the country and abroad. To show our force, we need not raise our voice. The sheer numbers of purposeful protestors alone will make a statement that the world will not be able to ignore,” reads the Facebook page.

Since the group was first started, an event has been created to provide further guidance on the protest.

The event provides Telegram group links to connect South Africans staying in different areas. Those interested in joining in on the protest in their respective area can simply download the app and join the group for their area for more information.

The peaceful protest is planned to take place on September 5 at 10.30am.

Picture: Move One Million
