Though we have suffered through adversity that we could never have predicted and will hopefully never see again in our lifetime, our animals and the land that feeds and nourishes them have continued to thrive during this pandemic.

Even during a time when the team at Inverdoon has unfathomable expenses of running a private game reserve that has brought them to their knees, they have had things to be thankful for. Although they may seem small, they are wondrous.

One of Inverdoon’s cheetahs.

“We have seen new dams forged by rains that have fallen in quantities we have never seen before, attracting birds we had not yet encountered. We have seen births of rhinos, births that have increased our thriving herds of buffalo and journeys of giraffe, amongst many others,” says the team at Inverdoon.

Inverdoon is grateful for their conservationist, who have taken care of their cheetahs in their conservation programme, patrolled their 10,000 hectare reserve since lockdown and kept all their animals safe from harm from human predators.

Exciting safaris at Inverdoon.

“We thank our general manager, reserve manager, rangers and head office staff working remotely for working so hard towards to goal of our animal’s health, safety and ultimately, reviving the business,” said the reserve in statement.

Now comes the exciting part, when Inverdoon gets to share their special piece of the wild with you! They’re offering limited Weekend Safari Specials in August and September, which have been been reduced by a huge percentage, which you’ll see when you head to

Cosy accommodation at Inverdoon.

Chat to Reservations in the pop-up chat on the website should you have any questions, it is operational from 9am to 8pm.

“These weekends are just for adults, so we suggest that you start looking for a babysitter, an aunty and uncle, grandparents, friends or let Dad stay at home with the kiddos while you book your girl’s getaway! These weekends have already proven very popular so please book fast,” says the team at Inverdoon.

Pictures: Supplied
