An informal structure caught alight in Gugulethu in the early hours of Tuesday morning [August 25] and the flames claimed the life of a two-year-old girl.

According to Jermaine Carelse of the City’s Fire and Rescue Service, responders arrived on the scene soon after receiving an emergency call at 3.35am.

“Gugulethu’s fire crews were soon on the scene in Skweza Street where an informal structure was on fire. Bystanders told the officer in charge that there were children missing.

“A search led to the discovery of the two-year-old girl’s body among the debris while the other two children, a girl aged 9 and a boy, 12, escaped the blaze and were found by the neighbours.”.

The fire was extinguished at 4.20am and the scene was handed over the the South African Police Service (SAPS).

Picture: Pixabay
