The decapitated body of a currently unidentified woman was found in a bush near the Strandfontein Pavilion near Baden Powell Drive earlier this week.

Strandfontein Community Policing Forum (CPF) told News24 that the body was discovered by a homeless man who had been passing by. The discovery was made on Monday, August 24 at roughly 6pm.

It is alleged that her body had sustained stab wounds and her head was found later, separated from her body.

The body was in a state of decomposition and naked when discovered but it has not been confirmed how long the body was at the site before it was discovered. Her clothes were found at the site as well.

A post-mortem is yet to take place and is expected to reveal the cause of death as well as confirm the identity of the woman.

An inquest docket has been opened and an investigation into the matter is underway. Anyone with information is being asked to call Detective Warrant Officer Andre Fransman on 082 469 3225.

Picture: Pixabay

