SAPS in Port Elizabeth are scouring the area for two suspects who shot and killed an unarmed man on Monday, August 31. Anton Kolesky (50) was in his home when two assailants allegedly gained access and shot him. Kolesky is well known in Port Elizabeth and is associated with the popular Bootlegger franchise.

Police spokesperson Colonel Priscilla Naidu, said that the incident occurred in Rademeyer Street, Rowallan Park. Kolesky asked one of his twin sons (19) to fetch something from his car. When the teen returned, he was accompanied by two suspects, one was holding a gun to his head.

According to Naidu, Kolesky was shot in the neck and cheek, and died at the scene. The men immediately fled on foot and nothing was taken.

“One of them pointed a firearm at him and they escorted him into the house,” Naidu said. “As they entered, Kolesky tried to get up from the couch but was allegedly shot twice.”

The motive of the crime is currently unknown, as nothing was stolen from the home.

“One of the males was tall, and was wearing a red jacket and grey beanie,” Naidu said. “The other suspect was very short and no other description is available.”

A manhunt has been launched for the suspects, and anyone with information on their whereabouts is asked to please contact SAPS Kabega Park on 041-397-6802/6867, Crime Stop on 08600-10111 or their nearest police station.

Picture: Pixabay
