The fight continues to bring Kataza the baboon home. The Cape of Good Hope SPCA recently chaired a meeting to pave a way forward in addressing all the concerns raised by relevant role-players and finding a workable solution for all, especially for Kataza.

It all began when Kataza was moved to Tokai to reduce dispersing of the troop from Slangkop to Kommetjie. Another reason behind the relocation is better breeding opportunities for Kataza in the Tokai area, says the City. A campaign called #bringkatazaback was started in late August to ensure his safe return.

Relevant role players are now getting involved. Human Wildlife Solutions (HWS), Cape Nature, SANParks, Baboons of the South and Baboon Matters Trust were invited to join the urgent meeting to discuss the baboon’s future.

“We are deeply disappointed to report that the relevant authorities did not attend the meeting. Only Baboons of the South and Baboon Matters Trust attended the meeting. Apologies were received from the City of Cape Town, Cape Nature and HWS,” said the SPCA.

“The three organisations, who has ‘Kataza’s’ wellbeing and welfare at heart, went ahead with an in-depth meeting regarding ‘Kataza’ and his relocation. We acknowledge the fact that there is currently no other option but to allow ‘Kataza’ the opportunity to integrate into the new troop. The only alternative to the integration is euthanasia, and the SPCA does not and will not support the euthanasia of ‘Kataza’.”

Integrating wild animals takes time, and the only way this will be successful for Kataza is if he is awarded the opportunity without any interruptions.

“We acknowledge the fact that wild animals that are relocated are stressed and disorientated as they are placed into a foreign environment, however this is not out of the ordinary. We do however believe that a proper management plan needs to be in place to ensure the best chances of success. The plan needs to monitor and evaluate the success on a regular basis and ensure that his welfare and wellbeing is not compromised,” adds the SPCA.

The SPCA is calling on the public to refrain from approaching or feeding Kataza, as these actions affect the integration process and will have dire consequences.

“We acknowledge and appreciate the fact that the members of the public mean well, but we need to do what is right in this instance and avoid any complications for the integration,” they add.

“We are giving our assurance that we will not give up on ‘Kataza’ but at this point in time there is no legal basis for the SPCA to take action in terms of the Animals Protection Act. We are however considering all our options. We will continue to monitor the situation closely.”

Picture: Instagram / bring Kataza Back
