Eleven-year-old Nahemiah Claasen has died after his life support machines were turned off at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital on Tuesday, September 8. Claasen was gravely injured when he was caught in the crossfire of a gang shooting on Monday, September 7.

The little boy was playing with friends on Parkers Walk in Parkwood at 11am when he was shot.

Two arrests have bene made in connection with the young boy’s murder, one  suspect is a 28-year-old who handed himself over to police. Once he has been charged, he will appear in court.

The other suspect, a 22-year-old man, will appear in the Wynberg Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, September 9.

Claasen, who was a grade 6 pupil at Parkwood Primary School, reportedly attempted to run home when the shooting started. He was shot in the head before he could make it, and was quickly rushed to the Red Cross Children’s Hospital for treatment.

Picture: Twitter
