When the video of the attempted kidnapping of a five-year-old girl circulated on social media on Friday, many commented how brave the man who saved her from being taken was. In true South African spirit, the hero has been located and is a resident of Johannesburg. Dishal Sooku is being celebrated in many facebook posts as the hero who risked his life to save the young child, who could have easily been loaded into a vehicle and kidnapped.

Many have called him a saint. Others have thanked him for his bravery. He acted instinctively as soon as he noticed the man grab the child. Sooku is a sensei and is well-versed in martial arts, according to a Facebook post on Jikishin Ju-Jitsu.

Guys our hero of the month ..
Dishal sooku who bravely saved a young girl who was about to be abducted ..
He jumped over…

Posted by SA Long-distance Truckers on Friday, September 11, 2020 

The incident unfolded in Florida, Johannesburg on Thursday. In video footage you can see a man jump over a balustrade at a restaurant and grab the unsuspecting child. There are two women with the child, one grabs the child from across the table to keep the man from taking her. In seconds there is another man, now identified as Sooku, who lunges for the suspect and keeps him in a choke hold until he is subdued. In the meanwhile, the child is taken away.

It is horrific to watch how quickly the incident unfolded. Other videos released later show the beaten up suspect, who is heard praying and mumbling incoherent sentences. The man was arrested and appeared in the Roodepoort Magistrate’s Court on Friday morning facing charges of assault, not attempted kidnapping. .

Picture: Facebook
