The Parkscape Facebook page has issued a warning to all dog walkers to be on the lookout for Kataza the baboon, as he has been spotted in Tokai Forest at the peaks of dog walking time.

“Kataza seems to presently be spending more time in and around the vicinity of Tokai Forest, including the core fynbos conservation site and the field next to the riding arena,” the page said.

“We have no idea exactly when he might be in the area but we would ask you to please be alert to his possible presence and, for the safety of the baboon and your dogs, to ensure you leash your dogs if you become or are made aware that he’s in the plantation or surrounds.”

A special appeal to all #dogwalkers, please.
SK11/Kataza seems to presently be spending more time in and around the…

Posted by Parkscape onĀ Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Kataza was spotted in the forest on Monday evening [September 21] and also on the morning of Tuesday, September 22.

“Dogs are not permitted, under park rules, to chase or harass wildlife,” Parkscape added.

Picture: Parkscape/Facebook
