The City has called the armed robbery of a firefighter, who was attending to a blaze in Khayelitsha, deplorable and the work of cowards.

“A City fire fighter was threatened with a gun and robbed of a radio whilst at a fire call in Khayelitsha on Friday night. Landsdowne Road Fire crews were busy attending to an informal structure fire in Bangiso Street, Victoria Mxgene, when the driver of the fire engine was approached by a man who pointed a gun at him and robbed him of a portable radio,” JP Smith, Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security, said.

The crew continued their work, extinguished the fire and then went to the police station to lay charges.

“These deplorable actions are the work of cowards who show no consideration for their neighbours or the men and women who put their lives on the line fighting fires.

Smith urged residents to come forward with information on the perpetrators. He said these crimes cannot be tolerated.


Picture: Pixabay
