The City of Cape Town’s Metro Police Department will now be deployed to Hanover Park on a daily basis since violence erupted early last week. This decision was made to combat the three warring gangs linked to drug turf.

This is in addition to the integrated operations with the SAPS Anti-Gang Units (AGU) deployment.

“The City’s enforcement staff have been cooperating daily with SAPS and AGU working hand in hand to bring about law and order,” the City’s Mayco Member for Safety and Security JP Smith said. “In an attempt to ensure a more sustained presence to assist the Hanover Park community and to stabilize this neighborhood, the City is preparing more than 80 law enforcement officers to be redeployed within the next week as part of the LEAP Provincial Safety Strategy, which will allow us to have a more substantial daily presence in the area and help suppress the shooting incidents through vehicle checkpoints, stop-and-search operations, searches of gang and drug houses and targeting of known high flyers.”

“The City will do everything within its limited resources and legal powers to assist communities with combating gang violence, whilst continuing to put pressure on national government to deploy adequate policing resources to prevent the tragic events that played out over this weekend in Hanover Park,” he added.

Picture: Twitter
