The City of Cape Town’s Transport Directorate will be resurfacing a stretch of approximately 1,3km of High Level Road in Green Point, as part of routine maintenance work.

The work is scheduled to commence on October 15, and will take approximately two weeks to complete without unforeseen delays and disruptive weather conditions.

Construction work will occur between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Saturday, and will involve the milling of damaged road surface areas, replacing it with new asphalt and marking the affected road areas.

Traffic moving in both directions will be affected and flag personnel will regulate traffic through a stop-and-go system; one direction at a time. Work areas will be demarcated to regulate traffic flow as well as pedestrians.

“Local residents can park their vehicles in driveways as usual, if and when access is available, but vehicles parked in the road and obstructing the maintenance work, will be moved or towed away,” said the City’s Mayco Member for Transport, Felicity Purchase.

“Although no congestion is expected, road users are encouraged to consider alternative routes. As with all roadworks, this work will come with some inconvenience. We appeal to residents and motorists to work with us during the construction period to ensure that we are able to complete the project within the scheduled time. We thank you for your cooperation and patience,” Purchase added.

Picture: Twitter
