With all the talk of mudslides and rockfalls this winter, its probably best you use an alternate route when considering Chapman’s Peak Drive, as the scenic mountain pass is likely to be closed every time it rains this winter.

It was stated by the Western Cape Government on their website that the pass will close when ‘certain weather-related thresholds are exceeded’. I’m not detracting away from Chappies, but it’s probably for the best if you use Ou Kaapse Weg when travelling to the ‘Deep South’.

What a sight it is (when open):

Road users are requested to follow Chapman’s Peak Drive on Twitter to receive daily updates regarding the status of the Drive.

  • Silvia Elena Cintas Teijeiro
    Silvia Elena Cintas Teijeiro
    June 17, 2015 at 10:22 am

    Thank you for let me know!

  • Rolf Deubel
    Rolf Deubel
    June 17, 2015 at 11:14 am

    so that the staff have even more free time with full payment

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