The bodies of three men were discovered early Saturday morning [October 17] after their boat washed ashore approximately four kilometers from Kleinmond. The boat is suspected to have capsized during the night.

At 7:11am on Saturday, NSRI Kleinmond duty crew were activated following reports a RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) had washed ashore.

The NSRI Kleinmond sea rescue craft Jaytee III and Rescue 42 Alpha were launched and the NSRI Hermanus sea rescue craft South Star and Rotarian Burnett were diverted from a training exercise to join in the search.

A sea and shoreline search commenced for what was initially believed to be four missing men. During the search it was confirmed that only three men, believed to be from Hawston, had been on the boat during the night.

The casualty RHIB was located by rescue authorities where it had washed up on the beach. The body of one of the missing men was located and secured on the beach near to where the casualty boat was found.

During an ongoing search, the bodies of the remaining two missing men were located and recovered. The bodies were located a distance apart from each other along the shoreline.

The three bodies that were located and recovered have been declared deceased by paramedics and they are confirmed to be the men who had been reported missing.

The bodies have been taken into the care of Police and WC Government Health Forensic Pathology Services. Police have opened an inquest docket.

Picture: NSRI
