A Cape Town family is mourning the loss of their three-year-old after the little boy was dragged from his home and mauled to death by a neighbour’s pit bull.

As Luqmaan Jardien is mute, his family did not hear the little boy as he was being attacked. When they woke up, the dog had reportedly already had its jaws around the toddler’s throat.

The Jardien family had been looking after the dog, and Luqmaan would often play with it. For some reason, however, the dog leaped through the toddler’s window and attacked him on Monday, October 26.

One of the family members attempted to get the dog off the child, but was also attacked in the process.

After a struggle, they managed to free the child from the dog’s jaws. The dog followed to attack once again, but its head was caught in the door. The dog has now died as a result of suffocation.

Little Luqmaan was taken to the Heideveld Day Hospital, but had already died by the time he got there.

Picture: Pixabay
