South Africa will be very proud at the Young Chef Awards this year as Angelo Scirocco takes on the finals representing Africa and Middle East region. We caught up with the young 24-year-old chef before he jet-setted to Milan for the final on the 26th of June.

Can you describe the dish you will be preparing at the finals?

Elderflower panna cotta, Jasmine, Sorrento lemon and milk jasmine rice pudding, buffalo milk yoghurt and chamomile espuma, stracchiatella, masala, buttermilk blanc mange and buttermilk porridge gelato with stretched meringue shard.

What are you expecting from Milan?

There are a lot of meetings, interviews and challengers we all have to meet when we get there. This is very important to get your name across globally, but I’m only focused on the dish itself for now, no matter what country I’m in.

How have you found it working with David Higgs, your mentor in the final who is one of South Africa’s most respected chefs?

It has been awesome. I am working more closely with Liam at the moment as he is based in CT, and we are constantly touching base with David. I feel fortunate to have guidance from two very talented mentors.

What or who is your biggest inspiration in the kitchen?

Ferran Adrià has always been my greatest inspiration… He is the most influential chef of this decade!

Clearly, you can do wonders with a pan, but what’s your favourite dish to eat not necessarily cook?

Sweetbreads. They are quite a tedious job to do. You have to soak them in water overnight with a little bit of salt to remove the blood. Then remove the secondary membrane. Cook them gently so the don’t over cook, but are still firm. Remove the primary membrane and then press and cool them.

Remember to vote for Angelo Scirocco, to be the winner of the S Pellegrino Young Chef 2015, here.


Photography Courtesy


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