WARNING: Graphic images

Ollie is a little Jack Russel cross who grew up on the streets of Hanover Park. Here, he very quickly learnt that in order to survive he needed to scour the gutters for something to eat before it was all taken by the packs of older streetwise dogs left to fend for themselves in the neighbourhood.

“He found that wagging his tail at strangers usually resulted in them throwing a few scraps his way, so used to make a point of enthusiastically wagging his tail at everyone he shared the pavement with,” the Animal Welfare Society of South Africa (AWS) said in a statement. “Ollie shared the streets with a lot of destitute folk many of whom happily shared their spoils with him in exchange for a friendly tail wag, but one fateful morning Ollie bumped into a group of menacing children who lured him over to their side of the street, where they corned him and mercilessly beat him to a pulp.”
Badly beaten dog makes remarkable recovery and finds forever home
Ollie  was beaten and left for dead by a group of Hanover Park children.
The youngsters beat Ollie until they thought he was dead and then grabbed him by the tail and pounded his head against a nearby wall until his left eye popped out of its socket. This all took place in broad daylight and no one came to his aid until it was almost too late.
Badly beaten dog makes remarkable recovery and finds forever home
Ollie was so badly beaten that his eyes began bulging out of its socket.
“His rescuer – a suspected ‘hardened gangster’ – at first stepped over what he thought was another dead dog, but looking over his shoulder at the bloodied little body of Ollie and blood stained wall he saw Ollie trying to drag himself to safety,” AWS said. “He spun around, picked up Ollie and (we are told) somewhat uncharacteristically showed Ollie incredible compassion. Ollie owes his life to this stranger and our nursing team who refused to give up on saving him.”
A month after his ordeal Ollie was put up for adoption and wagged his way into his new owners’ heart.
On Friday, November 20, Ollie (now named Buddy) flew out of Cape Town to join his loving new family in Johannesburg, who first met him shortly after his operation and had to patiently wait until he was well enough to make the flight.
“He is one of those unique canine characters who don’t have to try too hard to make a good impression so going the extra mile for him was an effortless decision on our part,” AWS added.
Picture: AWS/Facebook
