The monthly held event, Hanover Street’s Comedy Sundowners at GrandWest Casino, brings you the coruscating combination of five esteemed local comedians including the lovely Tracy Klass and collaborating male comedians; Devin Gray, CJ Benson, Siv Ngesi and Kenwyn Davids. Sponsored by Savanna and organised by entertainment enthusiast, Stan Mars and comedian Dan Oliver, this comedic collaboration caters for anyone in the mood for an evening of good laughs.

One of the great aspects of the show is that it caters for a diverse audience as each comedian brings their own flavour to the show with individual comedic trademarks. Klass, as one of the few successful female comedians in South Africa, brings her witty angle on what she truly believes women find funny, commenting on female concerns of weight, ageing and children.

Tracy Klass 1

Gray, at the young age of 19 has already been taking the Cape Town Comedy Strip by storm, making him the youngest South African comedian. But do not let his age fool you, Gray holds his own on stage from his simple jokes ‘like a family of balloons’ to hard-hitting political satire.

devin gray

Benson, who refers to himself as a ‘black coloured’ brings a new, fresh perspective on everyday issues. He also analyses why ‘lighting and angles’ gets him mistaken for a celebrity.

cj benson

You’ll probably remember Ngesi’s dazzling smile from SABC 3’s Strictly Come Dancing Show. Ngesi, who is a renowned comedian and actor, presents Skywin on ETV. His other works include scenes from the hit American TV series, 24 with Keifer Sutherland.

siv ngesi

Davids, nicknamed by fellow comedians as ‘The Kenwyn’ took to the world of comedy after graduating from IMM Graduate School of Marketing in 2003. Among some of his marks in the industry, Davids organises monthly comedy shows to boost comedy in Mitchells Plain.

Kenwyn Davids 1

The combination of the female touch, young tenacity, comedic sarcasm, charming wit and satirical chirps will make for one riveting show that is not to be missed.

Where Hanover Street Stage at GrandWest Casino,1 Jakes Gerwel Drive, Goodwood.
When Sunday 5 July 2015 5pm
Cost  R50 pp
Contact 082 588 6662, join the Hanover Street Comedy Sundowners Facebook page

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