The Cape of Good Hope SPCA’s inspectors are incredibly dedicated to their jobs and helping any animal in harm’s way. Most recently, Cadet Inspector Rudie Philander headed down a three-metre deep manhole to rescue a boerboel.

On Wednesday [February 17], a 3-year-old male boerboel named Ceasar fell down the manhole in a northern suburbs park in Vredenberg, Bellville.

His owners often take him to this park and had removed Caesar’s leash, as no one else was around. While Ceasar was running around and enjoying the outdoors, he didn’t notice the manhole and accidentally fell in.

Due to shock, Ceasar kept receding deeper into the manhole. The panicked dog owner had gotten into the manhole himself to try to rescue his pet and both were now submerged in water. 

Luckily, Cadet Inspector Rudie Philander was on hand and joined Fire and Rescue personnel on the scene. 

“The owner climbed out and I went down to calm the dog down and also repositioned the ropes around his chest, just below his front legs,” Rudie told the SPCA.

Once the dog was secured, Rudie climbed out of the manhole and helped hoist Ceasar out of the manhole and to safety. Luckily no one was injured.

Cadet Inspector Rudie Philander gave some advice to pet owners who find themselves in similar situations.

“Keep the animal as calm as possible, support their body were needed, rub the ears and speak in a calm voice tone for reassurance. The most important thing to remember, you need to stay calm. If the animal sees you are panicking they will in turn start panicking. Be aware of signs of shock setting in, shivering, crying or signs of aggression.”

Philander is the very same inspector who selflessly rescued a dog from a canal in Princessvlei Steenberg in December 2020, earning him massive praise from the public.

Philander jumped into the canal to rescue the dog floating on a mattress with injuries believed to be from a dog fight.

ALSO READ: SPCA hero overwhelmed by response to dog rescue video

SPCA hero overwhelmed by response to dog rescue video

Picture: Cape of Good Hope SPCA
