Mercedes-Benz South Africa has proudly announced its donation of 1000 lifesaving Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) breathing devices to support the Department of Health’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Eastern Cape Department of Health received 500 devices in October last year. Another 500 devices are being donated to the National Department of Health to distribute them to seven other provinces that are in need of it.

Andreas Engling, CEO of MBSA and Executive Director Manufacturing said: “The provision of the CPAP respirator devices is timely. These devices will support and better equip public hospitals and patients to deal with potential future surges of COVID-19.

“During the pandemic, a priority for Mercedes-Benz South Africa has been the preservation of the health and safety of our employees and the communities in which we operate. As a socially responsive corporate citizen, the donation of the lifesaving medical devices demonstrates our determination to work with all social partners to combat COVID-19 in South Africa.”

The CPAP devices were originally re-engineered by a project team of engineers from Mercedes-AMG High-Performance Powertrains, University College London and clinicians from University College London Hospital.

The UCL team created the design and manufacturing data of the CPAP device available to download free of charge in supporting the global response to COVID-19. The device has been proven to assist Covid-19 patients that have difficulty breathing to keep them out of the intensive care unit and reduce the danger to public health facilities.

The CPAP also keeps a constant, steady pressure going to keep the lungs expanded. Hospital data has indicated that 50% of patients given the device have not had the need for invasive mechanical ventilation.

Mercedes-Benz South Africa then decided that the UCL-Ventura CPAP respirator could support the health system in South Africa. To ensure fast manufacturing of the devices, Mercedes-AMG HPP repurposed its technology centre and reprogrammed machinery to produce 1000 CPAP devices.

Required training on how to use the CPAP respiratory devices will be provided to all healthcare front line staff in national, provincial tertiary, regional and district hospitals across the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, Limpopo and North West.

For more information on Mercedes-Benz South Africa’s other COVID-19 response efforts, click here.

Picture: Motorpress
