It looks like senseless vandalism is once again on the rise, as the level of electricity infrastructure vandalism and theft in Pelican Park and in other hotspot areas has increased over recent weeks.

The scourge of electricity infrastructure damage and theft in Pelican Park and in areas across the metro has had an enormous impact on services and service delivery to both residents and communities as a whole. In the Pelican Park area alone, more than 100 street lights were damaged and will, according to the City of Cape Town, will cost more than R200 000 to repair.

In recent months, criminals and syndicates alike have also started to targeted streetlights in Jakes Gerwel Drive and Strandfontein Road, severely impacting the service to residents and road users in the surrounding areas. As a result of the increase in vandalism, the City is urging residents to help bring an end to these actions by reporting any suspicious activities to the SAPS or to the City.

To help prevent any further vandalism, security patrols will continue in these hot spot areas to ensure that the infrastructure is protected. However, given the varying demands on staff, it is not possible to have a dedicated presence at all hotspots all of the time.

The city will also be offering a R5000 reward to those that are able to provide information that leads to arrests, confiscation of stolen or illegal goods, or the handing-in of illegal or stolen goods. This reward is also applicable to information leading to the arrest of individuals vandalising, damaging or stealing electricity infrastructure or installing illegal connections.

Residents can give anonymous tip offs if they are aware of illegal activity, such as illegal connections that are taking place; that has happened or is still to happen.

Please call 112 from a cell phone (toll free) and 107 from a landline or 021 480 7700 for emergencies.

According to Section 2 of the Criminal Matters Amendment Act (Act 18 0f 2015), anyone caught vandalising, tampering, or stealing essential electricity infrastructure could potentially face imprisonment not exceeding 30 years and fines not exceeding R100 million, when found guilty.

Picture: City of Cape Town

