On March 29, the Animal Welfare Society received multiple reports from concerned members of the public who had noticed a severely emaciated Pitbull wondering aimlessly down a busy Lansdowne road.

The Animal Welfare Society is eternally grateful and thanks each and every member of the public who called in to let them know. Trainee Inspector Sivuyile Kilwa managed to find and rescue the stray dog, that the shelter has decided to name Twiggy.

Emaciated stray Pitbull almost runs out of time

“Over and above being riddled with fleas who jumped off her skeletal body in their thousands when a tick and flea treatment was applied we were shocked to see that she weighs a mere 13kg’s which is what a puppy of her breed typically weighs at around three months of age,” says the Animal Welfare Society.

“Her lack-luster coat, stretched teats and deep frown lines bely her youthfulness and we strongly suspect that she was used to breed litter-after-litter until she somehow managed to escape the cruel clutches of her heartless owner.”

“Twiggy almost ran out of road and time but she is now safe and we will do whatever needs to be done to save this gentle soul who has suffered enough and who is representative of a growing feral and homeless pet population in the Cape Metro.”

Emaciated stray Pitbull almost runs out of time

Pitbull or pitbull Crosses outnumber almost every other breed by as many as 2:1 in many animal shelters. This is not a parochial issue. It is a national reality and an indictment on owners of this tough breed who have a remarkable will to survive despite the odds.

Most stray and homeless animals started off life as someone’s beloved pet. Pet ownership represents a life-long contract between you and your pets. It is inextricably linked to the privilege of owning a pet and needs to be honoured.

Picture/s: Supplied
