One look at Cape Town Etc’s Instagram account and it’s easy to see that we have a love affair with Hipebeast’s photography. We caught up with Wayne Lee Robertson, the photographer behind the Instagram-famous account.

We’ve come to love your work at Cape Town Etc. What inspired your love for photography?

When I joined Instagram, there were a couple of people I followed, one of them was, Evidence from Dilated Peoples… his photography was definitely on another level! I got my inspiration from him, it made me want to start composing pictures, so I started on my phone and then I just had to get a camera.


Where’s your favourite spot in Cape Town to take pictures?

I really don’t have one, but I take my cam everywhere, sometimes you just see things.

Your eye for beauty is truly incredible so we’re excited that now we’ll be able to purchase your photography. How will we be able to get our hands on our favourite shots?

We recently launched a website,, which have a limited amount of prints available, but we’ll be switching them up from time to time, keep it fresh. At the moment, the prints are only available in 300x300mm cotton canvas, but we may look at expanding that.


You’re also an accomplished hip hop producer. How did you get involved in photography? Do these two passions – music and photography – mesh with one another well?

Yeah man, they’re both creative outlets… creative expression.

You’ve continued your influence in the music scene through Hiperdelic Records which you found. What’s next for Hiperdelic Records?

Hiperdelic Records is still in its infant stages, still trying to sign artists with the same vision that we have.. for now we are just working with the artists that we do have.. like, CREAM, Chase Lutron & Bruinstormaz. Iam Magazine is actually hosting an event this weekend called Unturnt, hosted by Kyeezi, some of our artists will be performing alongside cats such as Youngsta & Clair Phillips. People can check out our website,


Photography Courtesy

1 Comment
  • Mike Goode
    Mike Goode
    July 21, 2015 at 11:27 am

    Jarryd Hans Tiltman

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