Management at the Cape Town Central Police Station has reportedly been accused of mistreatment of staff members after officers claimed they were forced to change units without their consent.

According to IOL, the officers working for visible policing were moved to other units after being threatened.

“We were 10 members when we were called into a meeting last year and in that meeting we were served with a notice of transfer, instructing us that we must report to the detectives unit immediately and no consultation took place,” one of the members who preferred to remain anonymous was quoted as saying, adding that they were never given a chance to say if they wanted to be transferred or not.

He said eight of them reported to the new unit, as “they could not stand the intimidation and bullying, but two of them stood their ground”.

But police spokesperson Novela Potelwa said the matter was between the employees and their employer, adding that members in question must follow the internal SAPS grievance procedure to raise their concerns, the report said.

Picture: Cape Town etc gallery
