There’s not much that R5 can get you these days, other than five Chappie bubblegums, which is not a lot. Thankfully, not all heroes wear capes; instead, they’re a giant retailer that’s willing to stretch your little ’ole R5 a bit further.

Since 2017, the Shoprite Group has subsidised “over R150 million meals”, selling around 63 million R4.99 loaves of bread. A saving grace for many South Africans who cannot afford or access sufficient quantities of food. As the COVID-19 virus rapidly spread across South Africa and a hard lockdown was implemented, many impoverished communities were left hungry and in turmoil.

According to the retailer, nearly 1.7 million South African households (10.5%) are susceptible to hunger, while 2.5 million households (15.6%) stated that their access to food is insufficient.

To tackle the problem, the group has intensified its efforts to support impoverished South Africans. For example, Shoprite’s in-house brown bread retails for R4.99, while various deli meals are offered at a discounted rate. What’s even more incredible is their latest initiative – affordable sanitary pads. For only R5, young girls can purchase a pack of sanitary pads, ensuring that they do not miss a day of school. The pads are manufactured locally and contain eight individually wrapped maxi pads.

The Shoprite Group runs several initiatives that aid vulnerable and impoverished communities.

Picture: Cape Town ETC
