There comes a time in most people’s drinking lives where they must face decisions. The choice you make could be the difference between having cocktail envy or being in tastebud heaven. Cocktail choices were never meant to be easy. But we asked you which you’d pick if you had to, and the results are in.

1.The battle between the classics

Of course the famous Strawberry Daiquiri or Piña Colada debacle is nothing new. On the one hand, you have the strawberry goodness of the frosted pink drink. On the other, the coconut hums of a refreshing and creamy Piña Colada.

However, when pitted against one another, the Cape {Town} Etc community crowned the Daiquiri.

2.The vodka lover’s pick

Oh the Vodka lover’s pick. Opting for the Cosmopolitan’s sweet dance on the tastebuds? Or is the Grapefruit Crush with a slightly more tangy taste more favorable? The stats are saying, that Cosmo is King. Yes, men do wear pink.

3.Tequila temptations

Tequila vs. rum. Hard. Real hard. Tequila, however, has been sent back to its rightful place: the shot glass. Mojito’s are a clear cut winner here.

4.Frisky with whiskey or long like the island 

Now for the ‘harder’, less fruity focused cocktails. To be sophisticated and go for a sneaky Whiskey Sours? Or to full send with a Long Island? It would seem that the Long Island prevails.

Picture: Unsplash
