As a fashion designer, and fashion director for You, Drum, and Huisgenoot, Chu Suwannapha knows style. Chu can make any trend flattering for us all and he has a flair for making sure you are the best-dressed person in the room. We caught up with Chu for some expert style tips.

Where do you take inspiration from for your own style?
Arts and cultures have always inspired me. I have got a weakness for prints and anything textured.

And your inspiration for the styles you create as a fashion director?
I believe in being an individual and being unique. Dressing for yourself, not to impress the next person is my philosophy.

You’ve said many times before that there are no rules in fashion, what else would you say is important to remember when creating one’s unique style?
Having a unique style is not enough for this fashion industry. You need to have a strong personality and confidence to create the image as well.


You’ve become known for your love of prints, but some people find styling an outfit with prints a little daunting. Do you have any tips?
Let’s say ‘the more you wear prints, the quicker you will get used to it’. Just keep prints in similar shades – it’s the safe way to wear prints.

What are the big winter trends that can take us through to spring smoothly?
Let’s go for my big FIVE! Denim, white, ’70s, monochrome and oriental.

You launched your first collection from CHULAAP at the first South African Menswear Week. What can we look forward to in the near future from your label?
I have to be honest, we will never know what will happen in the future. Of course, you can dream but you cannot predict it. I’ve just finished my mini collaboration collection with an Italian client which will be launched in December. Watch this space!

Photography Courtesy,


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