The magistrate overseeing the case involving alleged underworld figure Nafiz Modack has reportedly been involved in a shooting on Sunday, May 16. It is said that he survived the shooting after he was wounded in the buttocks at a car wash in Mfuleni. Meanwhile a senior police officer was also killed and her three-year-old grandchild wounded.

Police spokesperson Captain FC Van Wyk confirmed that cases of murder and attempted murder were opened for investigation after a shooting incident occurred at a car wash in Taurmaline Street, Bardale informal settlement, Mfuleni. According to IOL, the magistrate is identified as AC Mashala, who allegedly preceded over the Modack case Friday, May 14. However,  State prosecutor Blaine Lazarus indicated to the court that the bail hearing was postponed because the regional court magistrate handling the case was unwell, Mail & Guardian reports.

Modack and four other suspects face several charges including murder, racketeering and extortion. Along with former rugby player Zane Killian, Modack also face charges relating to the killing of Anti-Gang Unit (AGU) detective, Charl Kinnear. Meanwhile, Modack and his co-accused will re-appear on May 24, News 24 reported.


Nafiz Modack formally charged for Kinnear’s murder


Picture: Unsplash
