The Western Cape government says the province is facing a resurgence in COVID-19 infections, adding that it may enter the third wave in two to three weeks.

“The Western Cape is currently facing a resurgence as it has seen increases in its case numbers every day, over the past 12 days.

“While this is not yet a third wave, it is the first sign that we are moving toward one,” Premier Alan Winde said over the weekend.

Winde said his government was ensuring that the province had enough healthcare workers ahead of the third wave.

“The Western Cape government has prepared enough beds, oxygen, and staff ahead of a third wave.

“…on our trajectory, we may be facing a third wave in two to three weeks’ time. This depends on several factors, most importantly, the behaviour of our residents in preventing the spread of the virus,” the premier said.   

He said the province was fully prepared for the surge in cases and had adopted a five-point plan that included changing community behaviours to prevent infection; Surveillance and outbreak response; Scaling-up health platform Covid-19 capacity, when needed; Maintaining comprehensive services; and Safeguarding and protecting the wellbeing of healthcare workers.

“Our guiding principal remains that no person will be denied access to life-saving medical treatment. We must make sure we have enough beds, staff and oxygen to respond effectively in the month ahead.

He said the Provincial Department of Health would also continue to monitor how much oxygen was used over the upcoming weeks.

Intermediate care 

“In the Western Cape, the combined public-private utilisation is currently at 31.84 tons per day or 45.49% of the production capacity.

“In total, 70 tons are available per day from the Afrox Western Cape plant, which we believe is sufficient to respond at a third wave peak,” said Winde. 

He said the Western Cape government had sufficient bed capacity to respond to the resurgence and will create capacity where needed.

“In planning for a potential third wave, we need to ensure that we have sufficient bed capacity for those in need of intermediate care, high care or ICU.

“I can confirm that the Western Cape has sufficient bed capacity to respond to the resurgence in COVID-19 cases and through previous investments during this pandemic can bring online additional bed capacity where and when needed,” he said.

As of Friday, May 21, the Western Cape had recorded a total; of 3 243 active COVID-19 infections.

Picture: Unsplash

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