Ann Bennetts met a petrol attendant named Andries Mphthi and noticed that he was having difficulty seeing the numbers on the card machine. When Ann asked Andries what was wrong, he said he was, unfortunately, losing his eyesight.

According to goodthingsguy, Andries works at an Engen garage in Cape Town, but continued to work despite his declining eyesight. His eyes had been taking strain and putting his job at risk. He has been on the waiting list for a cataracts surgery at Groote Schuur for many years.

We are happy to announce that Andries has been fully funded to have both his eyes done. Ann has confirmed that the first surgery will be done in August.

Of course, Andries will be very excited once he hears the good news, as we all are!

Picture: Cape {town} Etc gallery


Helping Andries see- Ann raises funds for petrol attendant
